Be in charge
of your Future
Be in charge of your future. In order to be successful in a global market, it is necessary to master technology. Thus knowing how to operate both PC and Mac operating systems and use industry-standard software across the platforms provides the edge modern employers are seeking.
This site showcases student work created through the instructional guidance of Ms. Larsen as well as her professional and instructional work samples. Ms. Larsen is a professional in the Arts, Media, & Entertainment industry. She holds several credentials and is a secondary teacher as well as the Educational Director of VYVA Inc., a non-profit organization that provides visual media arts education, internships, and scholarships to underserved community students.
Project-Based Learning
Industry Visitis
Job Shadowing
Conversations with Industry Experts
Career Options
Soft Skills
Problem Solving
Technical Skills
Entry Level Work Skills
A-G Class Credit
High School Diploma
Industry Certificates
$$$ Before or Upon Graduation